Getting Familiar With the Design Email Editor

The Design Email Editor allows you to create rich text emails to communicate with your church or organization. Within the Design Email Editor, there are three main areas: Content, Blocks and Body. (ordered left to right in image below). We'll dive into what these are and how to use them below.


The Content section contains several tools available to you while designing your email. Each tool contains additional powerful settings to customize the design of your email, newsletter, etc.
To get started, simply drag a tool (from the list below) onto your email to create.

  • Columns
  • Buttons
  • Divider: add a divider to your design to separate content
  • Heading
  • Text
  • Image
  • Menu
  • Html


  • Drag and drop pre-built Blocks with different column sizes and layouts.


This is a great starting place to edit your general Design Email settings before you add in your content.

  • General
    • Text Color
    • Background Color
    • Content Width
    • Content Alignment
    • Font Family
  • Email Settings
    • Pre-header Text: a summary that follows the subject line that is visible within the inbox.
  • Links
    • Color
    • Underline