How to Record Individual Service Attendance

Service Reporting can be used after each service to record the number of people who have attended the services. If you have multiple service times for a service, simply click on the tab to report on the correct service time.

There are a variety of ways to report on Service Attendance:

  • Recording Individual Attendance
  • Printing Offline Checklist
  • Mass Add Individuals
  • Recording attendance from a linked Group Report to Services
  • By using the Import Service Attendance tool
  • Using Check-in

Navigate to Service Reporting

  1. Select Services.
  2. Select the Service you're ready to report for.
  3. Click on the Reporting tab.

Recording Individual Attendance

  1. Search for the Name:

    • Search on the name you want to add for the Service.
    • Click on the name of the person that attended, or click the "Add Family" button to add their entire family at once.
  2. View Attendance:

    • See the added attendees, such as the entire Gordon and Ramirez families, and individuals like Leandra.

Adding Guests for the Service

  1. Navigate to Guests Field:

    • Go to the Built-in Statistics section.
  2. Add Guests:

    • Click on the ‘Edit’ button and enter the number of guests.

Printing Offline Checklist

  1. Click on ‘Print Offline Checklist’:

    • A pop-up window will be displayed.
  2. Select Filters:

    • Choose the columns, order, and other filters you want to generate the offline checklist.
  3. Print the Checklist:

    • Click ‘Print’ to generate a PDF, which you can save or print out.

Mass Add Individuals

  1. Click on the ‘Mass Add Individuals’ Button:

    • A new window will appear to start selecting which individuals attended the service.
  2. Use Options on the Left:

    • Switch between viewing individuals or families, change the sort order, and the number of results per page.
  3. Filter People:

    • Use the Filter dropdown on the right-hand side to change which people appear.

Recording Attendance from a Linked Group Report to Services

  1. Link Group Report to Services:

    • When submitting a group report, set the ‘Date Met’ to the same date as the service.
  2. Select Attendees:

    • Select the people you want to record as attended.
  3. Add Guests:

    • Enter the number of ‘Guests’ to link to the total guest number for the service.
  4. Submit Report:

    • Click ‘Submit Report’ to save.

Using Import Service Attendance

  1. Import Attendance from a CSV:

Using Check-in

  1. Check-in Attendance:
    • Adults or Children who are checked-in for the service will have their attendance recorded against the service.

Things to Consider

  • Recording service attendance in monthly or yearly intervals may be more manageable for larger congregations.
  • Ensure all relevant attendees are accurately recorded to maintain precise service attendance data.