How to Report on Services

How to Access Reports For Services

  1. Log into Elvanto as an Admin.
    Note: Enter the Admin Area if you are logged into the member area.
  2. Hover over Reports.
  3. Hover over All Built-in Reports.
  4. Select Services.
  5. Select the Report you would like to generate.

Service Attendance Reports

There are 3 built-in Service Attendance reports that can be generated to report on Services. For each of the Service Attendance reports, you can choose to filter by Date Range, Service Types or by Locations.

Service Reporting (Statistics)

This report shows graphs and statistics based on quantitative data inputted into Service Reporting through Individual Service Attendance. 

  1. Select your desired report type. You can choose between:
    1. Table
    2. Line Chart
    3. Bar Chart
    4. Column Chart
  2. Select frequency to display reporting totals for each service, by day, week, month, or year
  3. Choose applicable filter criteria for Service Type(s), Location(s), and/or People Category(ies)
  4. Lastly, choose your built in and/or custom statistics to report on, e.g. Total Individuals, Families, Guests, etc.

Service Reporting (Detailed)

This report shows you one service per row but can provide more information, such as viewing notes that have been added as Custom Statistics in Service Settings.

  1. Group services by type, location, or display all in a single list
  2. Choose your criteria and date range
  3. Don’t forget to include your custom note fields (if applicable)

Service Individual Attendance

This report displays the total attendance per individual or a detailed list of people who attended or did not attend a service. 

  1. Select your desired filter criteria such as frequency, attendance, service types, etc. 
  2. To show a detailed list of names and times a person attended or did not attend a service, please be sure to tick the box next to “Show individual Service Grid”.


For more information on recording service individual attendance, please visit this article.

This report can be filtered to only people who attended a set number of services over a time frame or those who did not attend.