Why are no Swaps or Replacements available to me?

The Swap and Replace function in Elvanto offers a convenient and efficient way to manage volunteer scheduling. This feature allows users to easily swap one volunteer with another or replace a volunteer who is unable to fulfill their role. A possible swap and replace suggestion will always take a series of factors into consideration. Please be sure to reach out to a church admin in order to investigate if any of the following factors may be limiting your swap and replace opportunities.

Swap or Replacement Roadblocks

  1. Has the roster for the dates in question already been published?
    Elvanto can only display swap/replace for volunteers with active assignments (status has to be confirmed or unconfirmed). The roster has to be published and the roster requests must be sent out, before a swap or replacement can be visible for future dates. 
    From the Member Area, check to see if the upcoming service in question has already been published (Note: there may be certain restrictions in place regarding future service visibility, please reach out to your church admin).

  2. Are there any department conflicts preventing a swap or replace?
    Other volunteers may be scheduled for positions which are conflicting your swap or replacement request. You can learn more here about how to assign non-conflicts to improve the ease of rostering the same volunteers across multiple positions. Review the roster in the Member Area to review assignments (Note: this view may be hidden, please reach out to your church admin).

  3. Have volunteers submitted unavailability?
    Unavailable volunteers will not display for swap/replace for their blockout dates. A church admin will be able to review all submitted volunteer unavailability

  4. Is the swap/replace intended across the same service type and for the same department position?
    Swaps or Replacements are only possible between volunteers assigned to the same service type and the same department position.