Update Your Profile and Photo in Elvanto

Stay in the loop by keeping your personal details up-to-date in Elvanto.

Updating your profile information and picture is just a few quick and easy steps; we'll guide you through it below. 😃 

Please note that only the user can update their photo on their profile. Pictures of family members cannot be uploaded to other family member's accounts.

How to Update Your Profile Information in Elvanto

  1. Login to your Elvanto user account.

  2. Hover over your name at the top right-hand corner of the screen and select Profile from the drop-down menu.

  3. On this page you can update your information. Quickly access various parts of your profile by clicking on links in the sidebar under your profile picture.

    Please Note: Depending on your church’s preferences, you may not be able to edit some of your details. Reach out to your church administrator for these updates.

  4. Click ‘Save’ at either the top or bottom of the page when you’re done.

How to Update Your Profile Picture in Elvanto

  1. Login to your Elvanto user account.

  2. Hover over your name at the top right-hand corner of the screen and select Profile from the drop-down menu.

  3. Click on either your existing photo, or on the Profile Picture link that appears under “Me”.

  4. Drag and drop your new photo into the Drop file here area, or use the Select File button to upload a specific file.

    Please Note: Once the new file is uploaded you’ll have the ability to crop it as desired.

  5. That's it, you're done! 🎉

🌟 Tithe.ly Tip: If the image is appearing rotated, you can rotate it using online tools such as this one, and then upload the rotated image into Elvanto. 

How does Elvanto automatically populate profile pictures for some accounts?

We use a service called Gravatar to show pictures of people in Elvanto. Gravatar is a popular system used by many websites and blogs. It works by linking a profile picture to an email address. If someone has previously uploaded a picture to another website or blog that also uses Gravatar, it will automatically appear in Elvanto when they use the same email address. We don't share any personal information with Gravatar, only the email address to retrieve the picture. The pictures are only visible within Elvanto and won't be shown publicly unless you create a published directory that includes profile pictures.