Sending Log In Details to People

Learn how to easily send Elvanto login details to members, volunteers, or groups, allowing them to set or update their passwords and usernames. This simple guide walks you through the steps to email login information directly from your admin account, ensuring everyone can access their profiles quickly. Perfect for keeping your church community connected and engaged, our tips make it easy for anyone to manage account access, with added security and convenience.

Sending Login Details to an Individual

  1. Log into Elvanto as an Admin.
  2. Select People.
  3. Search for the user you would like to send details to.
  4. Select the user.
  5. Select Account & Volunteering.
  6. Locate the Log In Details section.
  7. Check the box Send these login details by email.
  8. Select Save.


  • The link will remain valid for two weeks, or until the user has successfully changed their password, or has successfully logged in.
  • If you would like to set a password for this individual enter it in both fields on their profile before sending the log in details. 

Send Login Details to All Volunteers

  1. Log into Elvanto as an Admin.
  2. Hover over People and select Volunteers
  3. Select Send Login Details.
    Note: This is in the top right of the screen.
  4. Select to send to: 
    • All Volunteers
    • Volunteers who have NOT yet logged into their account
    • Volunteers who have logged into their account
  5. Select Filter Volunteers.
  6. Edit your email or use the prefilled template.
  7. Select Send.


The link will remain valid for two weeks, or until the user has successfully changed their password, or has successfully logged in.

Send Login Details to All Users or a Group of Users

  1. Log into Elvanto as an Admin.
  2. Select People.
  3. Select Contact People.
    Note: Use a filter or select the check box if you would only like to send login details to a few users. Select Contact People without designating who will include your entire user base.
  4. Edit your email.
  5. On the right-hand side confirm recipients. 
  6. Add this text as your text block: 

    Hi %firstname%,

    Below is your login information to access your account:

    Username: %username%
    Email Address: %email%

    If you have already been provided a password, you can use it to log in to your account.

    If you have not been provided a password, you can set one for your account at:

    Kind regards,

  7. Review your email and recipients. 

  8. Select Send.
    : You are able to send a test email to ensure everything is working.


The link will remain valid for two weeks, or until the user has successfully changed their password, or has successfully logged in.

You are now able to send login details to your users. If you have any further questions please reach out to our support team.