Song Arrangements

Managing song arrangements is crucial for ensuring that your worship team can seamlessly adapt to different service needs. With arrangements, you can store various versions of a song in one place, each tailored for specific performances. This flexibility allows you to maintain consistency while accommodating different styles, tempos, and keys. In this guide, you'll learn how to create, manage, and utilize song arrangements to enhance your worship planning and execution.


Steps to Add Arrangements to a Song

  1. Navigate to the Song:

    • Go to the 'Songs' section in your account.
    • Select the song you want to add an arrangement to.
  2. Add a New Arrangement:

    • Click on the 'Add Arrangement' button.
    • Enter the name of the arrangement and any specific details such as tempo or style. Learn more about How to Add Chords to Lyrics
  3. Upload Files and Add Details:

    • Navigate to the 'Files' tab to upload any files relevant to the arrangement (e.g., sheet music, audio files).
      • Choose your file type (audio, video, chart, lyrics, file, image, multi-tracks).
      • Name your file.
      • Attach your file to the Song or a specific Arrangement. 
      • Your file can be uploaded form your computer, linked, or embedded. The max file size is 100MB.
      • Click 'Save'. 
    • Tithely Tip: Audio files and linked videos can be accessed and played directly within the Elvanto Member Area > Songs without the need to download any files. 
  4. Save the Arrangement:

    • Once all details are added, click 'Save' to store the arrangement.

Selecting Arrangements for Services

  1. Add the Song to a Service:

    • When planning a service, add the song as usual.
    • Choose the specific arrangement from the list of available arrangements for that song.
  2. Review and Confirm:

    • Ensure that the chosen arrangement is correct and fits the service's requirements.
    • Save the service plan with the selected arrangement.

Tips for Using Arrangements

  • Use Arrangements for Different Sequences:
    • Create new arrangements if the sequence of the song changes significantly.
  • Add Keys to Existing Arrangements:
    • If you only need the song in a different key, add the new key to the existing arrangement rather than creating a new one.

By managing song arrangements effectively, you can ensure that each service has the right musical setup, making it easier for your team to perform consistently and accurately.