Exporting your song library from Elvanto is a straightforward process that allows you to create a .CSV file of your song data. This guide will walk you through the steps to export this information. Please note, this export process includes song details but does not cover exporting files, chord charts, or lyrics.
Steps for Exporting Song Library
- Log into your Elvanto account with Super Admin or Admin access permissions.
- Navigate to Songs in the left-hand menu.
- Click on the Export button located in the top right corner.
- The download of your song library will start automatically as a .CSV file.
Details Included in the Export
The exported .CSV file will include the following fields:
- Date Added: The date when the song was added to the library.
- Title: The title of the song.
- CCLI® Number: The CCLI number associated with the song, if applicable.
- Status: Current status of the song.
- Author: Name of the song's author.
- Album: The album where the song is featured, if applicable.
- Type: The type or category of the song.
- Song To Learn: Indicator if the song is new and needs learning.
- Allow Downloads: Permission status for downloading the song.
- Categories: Categories assigned to the song.
- Locations: Locations where the song is used.
- Notes: Any notes associated with the song.
- Arrangement Details: Includes the name, length, BPM (Beats Per Minute), male and female key, copyright, sequence, starting key, and notes for each arrangement.
- The export will not include files, chord charts, or lyrics.
- The .CSV file provides a comprehensive view of your song library, useful for record-keeping, analysis, and planning.
Exporting your song library from Elvanto is an efficient way to manage and organize your music resources. This feature is particularly helpful for administrative purposes, planning, and ensuring that your music ministry's data is backed up and easily accessible.