How to Use a Snapshot

Snapshots in Elvanto enable users to capture data based on specific dates, time frames, and custom criteria, creating a virtual paper trail. This feature not only serves as a historical record but also functions as an interactive worksheet. Users can take notes and collaborate on the snapshot without affecting the original data, making it a valuable tool before implementing any changes within Elvanto.

How to create and access your Snapshots

Using a View:

  1. Log into Elvanto as an Admin.
  2. Select People.
  3. Select All People.
  4. Find and select your desired View from the View drop down menu.
  5. Click the Export button.
    1. From the dropdown menu select Save Snapshot.
    2. Complete this action by clicking Export.
  6.  Retrieve your Snapshot.  
    1. Log into Elvanto as an Admin.
    2. Hover over Reports.
    3. Hover over All Custom Reports.
    4. Select Snapshots.

Using a Built in or Custom Report:

  1. Log into Elvanto as an Admin.
  2. select Reports
  3. Generate a report from your Custom or Built in Reports:
      1. Click the Export button
      2. From the Output dropdown menu, select “Snapshot”
      3. Complete this action by clicking “Export”
      4. Retrieve your Snapshot:
        1. Hover over Reports
        2. Hover over All Custom Reports
        3. Select Snapshots.

After generating or retrieving your Snapshot, you may choose between the functions of editing, sharing, deleting, or exporting.


Working with Snapshots

Snapshots can be used for note taking, creating paper trails, as well as for collaboration without making any changes to your data in Elvanto. 

  1. Retrieve your saved snapshot:
    1. Hover over Reports
    2. Hover over All Custom Reports
    3. Select Snapshots.
  2. Select the Snapshot you would like to view or edit.
  3. Click Edit to take notes, leave instructions, suggest changes, etc. without impacting or overriding any data in Elvanto.
  4. Click Save

Snapshots are a tool that captures a specific instance of data, like freezing a moment in time, within your database. They allow users to share, review, and add comments to the information before committing to any permanent changes. This feature helps ensure accuracy and collaboration. If you need any help or have further questions about using snapshots, our support team is available to assist you.