Set Up Giving Numbers in Elvanto

Giving numbers are a way to save time when entering donations into Elvanto. When it comes time to enter the giving into Elvanto, you’ll only have to punch in a few numbers instead of a whole name.

Overview of Giving Numbers

Generally, there are two main ways to use giving numbers. While we encourage experimentation to find what works for you, we recommend using one system so that you don’t get confused over whether the number you’re looking at is an account or an envelope number.

Envelope numbers are the most popular way of setting up giving numbers, and work really well if your church hands out envelopes for people to put their tithes into. An envelope number is simply a three (or five or six or whatever your church would actually use) digit number that is on the outside of the envelope, that you can use to quickly look up a giver.

Important Note:

Each giving number in Elvanto must be unique and cannot be shared between individuals, even within a family. This ensures accurate tracking of individual giving records.

How to Automatically Assign Envelope Numbers

  1. Go to Settings

    • Navigate to the Financial section.
  2. Check the Box under ‘Giving Numbers’

    • Ensure the box is checked to enable automatic assignment of giving numbers.
  3. Select the Number of Digits

    • Choose how many digits you want the giving numbers to be.

Using Giving Numbers as Account Numbers

One way churches that receive a lot of cheques use giving numbers is to match the account listed on the cheques. This system is particularly useful for churches that do not have an online giving provider and accept gifts physically (i.e., cash or cheque) and electronically. However, this method cannot be automatically set up.

How to Manually Assign Giving Numbers

  1. Edit the Person’s Personal Information

    • Navigate to the individual's profile in the Admin Area.
  2. Enter the Giving Number

    • Fill in the 'Giving Number' field with the designated number for the individual.

By utilizing giving numbers, you can streamline the donation entry process, making it quicker and more efficient for your administrative team.