The easiest way to find the number of active adults in your system is to run an advanced search. This will allow you to sort through your system and find the people that aren’t active, and properly have them marked as Contacts or Archived.
Find Active Adult Members
Login to your Elvanto Admin account.
Hover on the People section in the main menu on the left-hand side.
Once the menu pops out to the right, click on Advanced Search in the list.
- Where it says "Date Added" click the drop down and scroll down to choose Family Relationship under Family.
Choose Does Not Contain from the second drop down, and select Child from the third drop down.
Click the green "+" to add another filter option and then select Contact and Exclude contacts in the second drop down as shown in this image.
- Click Search to view results. This will bring up a list of people considered Active Adults within the account.
Useful Searches to Find Incorrectly Categorized Members
After determining the number of active people in your account, you may want to setup routine checks to ensure your count remains consistent. One of the best ways to go about this is by running useful searches to find incorrectly categorized people. These incorrectly categorized people are often people who should be marked as a contact, archived or marked as a child.
Please note that the system does not use age to determine if an individual is an adult or a child, only the individual’s family relationships. Anyone not marked as a child is an adult according to the system.
One of the most common things to cause an incorrect ‘active adult’ count is for children to be entered into the system without being marked correctly. You can perform advanced searches or generate a report to find and rectify these people with the following criteria:
Filters to Consider
Age is less than 18 (Or the age that you consider ‘Adult’ in your local area)
‘Family Relationship’ ‘Does not contain’ ‘Child’
Did not attend a service or group in the last 3 months. AND
Financial – ‘Transaction amount’ ‘is between’ ‘(date 3 months ago)’ and ‘(current date)’ ‘equals’ ‘0’. This can be used to show people who aren’t giving financially anymore. Unfortunately this filter requires you to manually set the dates and as such can be a hassle for scheduled report emails.
‘School grade’ ‘is not empty’ AND ‘family relationship’ ‘does not contain’ ‘child’.Finds people that are in school, but aren’t marked as Children.
Filtering by People Categories. You can create a People Category for visitors or inactive members, and then search these categories and make sure the members in this category are either archived or contacts.
Legacy Elvanto Customers
This can be important for you to audit Active Adult Members in your Account as you are billed by number of Active People.