Performing an Advanced Search

Elvanto gives you the power to filter people using People Views and advanced search. You can perform advanced queries specifying what people you’d like to find and also create saved People Views to reuse over and over. There is no need to learn or use complex queries to make these searches. We take the hard part out and leave you with the easy parts of creating filters.

You can perform an advanced search by specifying criteria of who you’d like to search for and export the information into Excel, CSV or PDF format.

To Perform an Advanced Search

  1. Login to your Elvanto Admin account.

  2. Hover on the People section in the main menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Once the menu pops out to the right, click on Advanced Search in the list.

  4. The next page gives you three main sections where you can specify what you want to search by and what you want to display, once you have made all your selections click Search to view results. 

  5. Once you view results you can Edit the Search, Save the Search, or Export the data. 

Specify Filter Criteria

This section allows you to define what information you want to search on.

  • Display As: Choose if you want to display results as individuals or as families. If you choose individual each person who matches the filters will be displayed.
  • Match: Choose if you want to display results that "match all of the following fields" (People must match each filter to appear in the results), "any of the following fields" (People only have to match one filter to appear in the results), or "advanced: create your own filter logic" (This allows you to specify your own combination of AND and OR statements. Read this article for more information). 
  • Criteria: The next dropdown is the specific criteria you’re searching for and how it should match. This can be any of the built-in fields or custom fields that are in the system.  
    • You can add as many filter criteria's as you would like by clicking the green "+" sign, to remove a filter click the red delete option. 

Fields to Display

This section allows you to specify the information you want to display or see when viewing results.

Simply click the X  in “Display Fields” if you don’t want to see that field and click the green + to add fields from the ‘Available Fields’ section.

Sort By

Choose how you would like to sort your results and if you would like the results to appear in ascending or descending order.