How to Create and Add a Pledge

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how to effectively manage pledges within your Elvanto system, whether you're initiating a new campaign or tracking existing commitments. We'll cover creating, editing, adding transactions to, and deleting pledges.

Elvanto Tip

The next Financial Year filter won't be available until January 1, as that is how the system is designed. However, you can still check your pledge totals for 2025! Just clear the filters and sort the pledges by date, or you can create a Pledge Report.

Creating a New Pledge Fund (Account)

Before creating a pledge, you need to set up a dedicated fund (account) for it. This keeps your financial tracking organized.

Log in to Elvanto as a Super Admin or Admin with financial permissions.

  • Hover over Financial and select Chart of Accounts.
  • Click Add Account.
  • Enter the Name for your Fund (e.g., "Building Fund," "Scholarship Fund"). This name will be used to identify the fund associated with the pledge campaign.
  • Click Save.

Creating a New Pledge

Now that you have a fund, you can create the pledge itself.

  1. Hover over Financial and select Pledges.
  2. Click Add Pledge.
  3. Enter the required details:
    • Add Person(s): Start typing a name, and existing contacts will populate for selection. You can select multiple people for a single pledge.
    • Start Date: The date the pledge period begins.
    • Amount: Enter the amount pledged per transaction based on the chosen frequency (e.g., the weekly, monthly, or yearly amount). This is not the total pledge amount.
    • Frequency: Select the payment frequency (1 Time, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly).
    • Duration: Specify the length of the pledge period (e.g., number of weeks, months, or years).
    • Account/Sub Account: Select the fund you created in Step 1.
  4. The End Date and Total Amount will automatically calculate based on the information you entered.
  5. Click Save to save the pledge and return to the pledge list, or Save & Add Another to immediately create another pledge.

Adding a New Transaction to a Pledge

This section explains how to record a new payment towards a pledge.

  1. Hover over Financial and select Pledges.
  2. Select the person(s) associated with the pledge.
  3. Click Add Transaction.
  4. Enter the transaction details:
    • Batch: Select the appropriate batch.
    • Transaction Date: The date the payment was made.
    • Person: Verify the person making the payment.
    • Method: Select the payment method (e.g., Cash, Check, Online).
    • Amount: The amount of the payment.
    • Pledge: This field should pre-populate with the correct pledge. Verify it's correct.
    • Account: The account the payment is being deposited into.
    • Memo: Add any relevant notes.
    • Tax Deductible: Indicate if the payment is tax-deductible.
  5. Click Save to save the transaction, or Save & Add Another to add another transaction.

Applying a Previously Created Transaction to a Pledge

If a transaction already exists in the system, you can link it to an existing pledge.

  1. Hover over Financial and select Pledges.
  2. Locate and select the existing transaction you want to apply to a pledge.
  3. In the Pledge field, select the individual's pledge to which you want to apply the transaction.
  4. Click Save.

Editing a Pledge

  1. Hover over Financial and select Pledges.
  2. Click on the pledge you want to edit.
  3. Make the necessary changes to the pledge details.
  4. Click Save to save the updated pledge.

Deleting a Pledge

Important: Deleting a pledge is irreversible.

  1. Hover over Financial and select Pledges.
  2. Check the box next to the pledge you want to delete.
  3. Click Mass Manage.
  4. Under the Delete option, check the Yes box to confirm.
  5. Click Perform Mass Manage. The pledge will be permanently deleted.