How to Assign a Position to a Volunteer

Assigning volunteers to their respective positions simplifies the scheduling process. Follow these steps to assign volunteers through their profile or using the Mass Manage tool.

Assigning Positions by Person’s Profile

  1. Navigate to the user’s profile via the Admin Area.
  2. Click on the ‘Account’ tab.
  3. Under the ‘Volunteering’ heading, tick the box ‘Yes, this person is a volunteer’ if it isn't already ticked.
  4. Select the positions you wish to assign to the volunteer.

Assigning Positions through Mass Manage

  1. Perform an Advanced Search or create a People View to generate a list of people.
  2. Select the people you’d like to mass manage.
  3. Scroll down to the ‘Mass Manage’ heading.
  4. Select Change People’s Field > Departments > Add to.
  5. Choose the positions to assign the selected people to.

Things to Consider

  • Assigning volunteers to positions in advance helps streamline the scheduling process.
  • Regularly review and update volunteer positions to ensure they reflect current roles and responsibilities.
  • Utilize the Mass Manage tool for efficient bulk assignment of positions.