Setting up Swap & Replace for Volunteer Roster

Streamline your organization's operations through our Swap & Replace feature. You can easily fine-tune settings such as preventing volunteers from swapping or replacing within a designated time frame, managing pending swap/replace requests, and even choosing whether volunteers can decline positions when swap and replace options are available. Additionally, you can tailor these configurations to specific departments, ensuring flexibility and control where it's needed most. Dive into the details and empower your team with seamless volunteer scheduling.

Note: You will need to be a Super Admin or have the following set of Access Permissions assigned to your user profile:

  • Admin Area:
    • Settings > Allow access to Settings > Services

Enabling  Swap & Replace

  1. From the Elvanto Admin Dashboard, navigate to Settings > Services > Roster.
  2. Scroll down to Swap & Replace and choose from the following selections:
    1. Prevent volunteers from swapping or replacing within 'x' hours/days of service start.
    2. Cancel any pending swap/replace requests within 'x' hours/days of service start. The volunteer requesting the swap/replace will receive an email notification about this action.
    3. Determine to allow or prevent volunteers from declining a position when Swap and/or Replace is available. 

  3. Lastly, choose which Departments you would like to configure to accommodate swap and replace and click save at the bottom of the page. 

To learn more about how Swap and Replace will present itself for your volunteers, please take a look at this related article.