Changing a Person's Status or Category

Changing people’s statuses and categories doesn’t have to be a complex and confusing process. With Elvanto, you can easily change this and manage your contacts after changes have been made. 

People Status's in Your Elvanto Account


Classed as members, those who serve, or people who contribute to your church or ministries


Classed as those not yet connected, or those not currently a part of your church.

  • Contacts are stored in the system at no charge and consist of people who are in your community and you would like to stay in contact with, or who you want to keep on file for outreach purposes.
  • Only basic information is editable for contacts. The fields that can be edited are Name, Contact Details (Email, Phone Numbers, Address), Gender, Date of Birth, School Grade, Martial Status and Anniversary, Demographics and Locations, People Flows, Groups, Events and Forms. 
  • If a person’s status is changed from Active to Contact, any custom field data will be kept but marked as ‘view only’ for the duration of them being listed as a contact.
  • Contacts are only visible in the Admin area, to those with access to viewing them under their People access.
  • People marked as a Contact can not login, be rostered on or have financial donations within the last 30 days, nor do they appear in the member directory. In order for these things to occur they need to be marked as Active. There are also restrictions placed on Contacts appearing in shared reports depending on the users access.


Classed as those who may have attended your church at one stage but have moved on for whatever reason.

  • Archived People are stored at no charge, but are hidden from the database. 
  • Marking someone as Archived keeps them from appearing in reports and lists of active people.
  • The only downside to archiving a person is that their information is not accessible. The only way to access the information of archived people is to reactivate their account again.
  • Archived users are unable to log in.


This status is for individuals who have passed away and need to be removed from the active church membership.

  • Data Accessibility: Marking a person as deceased removes their profile from active lists and reports. To access their information again, you'll need to reactivate their account.
  • Super Admins: A Super Admin profile cannot be marked as deceased directly. You must first remove their Super Admin status before you can mark them as deceased.
  • Storage: Deceased profiles are stored at no charge but are hidden from the active database.


How to Change an Individual Person’s Status or Category

  1. Login to your Elvanto Admin account.

  2. Click on the People section in the main menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Click on the profile you would like to update to open the profile up.
  4. Once in the profile, find Actions on the left hand side of the profile and select the status you would like to mark this profile by clicking, Mark as Contact, Archive, or Mark as Deceased.
    • If you want to change the persons category, simply click Change People Category. You will be given the option "Move family to this people category", if you do not want to move the entire family connected to this person, simply uncheck and click save. 


How to Change People's Status or Category in Bulk

Using Mass Manage is a great way to update information on profiles in bulk. You can easily change the status or category of multiple people at one time. 

  1. Login to your Elvanto Admin account.

  2. Click on the People section in the main menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Click on the checkboxes of the profiles you would like to update in bulk. Once you have multiple people selected, click the Mass Manage Button at the top of the screen. 
  4. Choose the action Change Field from the drop down
  5. To update the Category Select the category from the drop down in the second drop down. To change the people status click on the first drop down and select the status you would like to update everyone selected with, Archived, Contact, or Deceased under the Person Details.
  6. Click Perform Mass Manage button 



How to Change Contacts to Active

Have you accidentally archive some members, suspended, or marked them as contact mistakenly? You can easily change them back to Active!

  1. Login to your Elvanto Admin account.

  2. Hover on the People section in the main menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Once the menu pops out to the right, click on All People in the list. 

  4. At the top find the Filter option and under status select Archived People, Suspended, or Contacts and click Apply.
  5. Review the list of contacts, find the individual you'd like to make active again and select Mark as Active under the contact name. If you are in list view, simply click the Contact Button in the upper right corner of the contact card and select Mark as Active under that drop down. 

How to Find Those Marked as Deceased and Restore Them

  1. Login to your Elvanto Admin account.

  2. Hover on the People section in the main menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Once the menu pops out to the right, click on Advanced Search in the list. 

  4. Under Specify Filter Criteria select the drop down Date Added and choose Deceased from the list. 
  5. Switch Include Deceased People to Only Show Deceased People in the dropdown and click Search. 
  6. Review the list of deceased contacts, find the individual you'd like to make active again and select Mark as Active under the contact name. If you are in list view, simply click the Contact Button in the upper right corner of the contact card and select Mark as Active under that drop down. 

Adding a new admin in Tithely will automatically create a Super Admin in Elvanto. Only Tithely Account Owners and Admins are able to log into Elvanto directly from their Tithely dashboard. All other Elvanto admins will need to log into Elvanto using their orginizations unique Elvanto URL or at unless added as Admins in Tithely. Limited users in Tithely cannot use SSO.