People Settings

People Settings

  1. Login to your Elvanto Admin account.

  2. Click on Settings in the top right bar. 

  3. Scroll down to the Features section and click People. This is where you will set the default people fields, display formats, school grades, etc. 
  4. Once you have made changes to the settings, click the green Save button at the bottom of the page.

Default Settings  

  • People Category: This is the default People Category that will be used when someone creates an account. You can easily add People Categories
  • Address: You can add default values making it quicker to add new people. If you are happy for this to be a default setting, you can record what state and country you are located in so it's account-wide. (if applicable)
  • Name Formatting: You can choose how you would like to display and order people names. By default, if you choose to display preferred names, it will output their first name if no preferred name exists. In the below examples, Stephen would be the person's first name and Steve's preferred name.
    • Display - This will always show the users First name, no matter if they have a preferred name or not.
    • Display in Emails & SMS - This will be used in emails and SMS messages. 
    • Order By - This controls how we display and sort the Full Name field by alphabetical order of first name, or alphabetical order of last name.  
    • Full Legal Name Display - Choose how you would like full names to generate. Within Reports and letter templates we have a “Full Legal Name” field that can be used as needed.
    • Click if you would like to show the initial for the middle name, rather than displaying the middle name. 

Removal of the year from date of birth and anniversary in 'My Profile'

  • When a user edits their date of birth or anniversary from their 'My Profile' page, you can choose to allow or disable them from removing the year. Some people may not like to disclose their age, so you can choose if you'd like that field to be populated. 

People Flows 

Decide if you would like to display (show) completed People Flows in the Member's sidebar or hide them.

Registration & Access 

  • New Registrations: Choose if you would like to allow guests to create new accounts or not.
  • Add new users to Access Permission: Decide which Access Permission you would like new accounts to have by default. 
  • Allow Locations & Departments to be chosen: Please select whether you would like locations and/or departments to be selected and whether they should be required fields. 
  • Guest Access: Decide if you want to allow guests (people who have not logged in or do not have an account) to access your posts and pages. When adding posts and pages, you can choose which of these can be accessed by guests or if they need to be logged in to view.


  • Registration & Unsubscribe Emails: When a new person registers, creates an account, or unsubscribes to an email or SMS message, an email can be sent to notify someone. You can separate multiple email addresses by semi-colons. Fill in the Registration field box and Unsubscribe box with the email address(s) to which you'd like to receive notices when someone registers or unsubscribes. 

  • Email notifications for scheduled notes: When a note is scheduled for a person, an email notification is sent to their inbox. Choose whether you would like to disable or enable email notifications for scheduled notes.

Viewing & Searching

  • Include Archived People in Search: When searching in the search box within the navigation menu, would you like archived people to be included in the results? Choose to include or exclude archived people from search results. 

  • Default Fields to Display: Choose what fields you would like to display when viewing people. If you do not select any fields, it will revert to the default views. Click the green "+" to add fields to display by default and the "trash can" to remove fields from displaying as default.



  • Family Admins: If a user tries to add a family member who already exists in the database, an administrator needs to first approve this. Search for the person who should be the administrator for this process. If you have locations set up, you can specify a different admin for each location by simply clicking the green "+" to add admins for each location. If a person is not assigned to a location, or you have no locations, any admins assigned to Default will be notified.
  • Family Contact Details: When you generate a report or people view, you can choose a field called 'Family Contact Details'. Define below what information will show when you select the Family Contact Details options. 

  • Update Family People Category: When you change a person's people category from their profile page, a check box that instructs the system to update their family to that same people category is ticked. Choose if you would like to have this option un-checked by default.

  • My Family - Choose if you would like to prevent people from adding or editing their own family from 'My Family' within 'My Profile.'

School Grades & Demographics

  • School Grades - You can add fields by clicking add or remove fields by hitting the trash can. You can label the fields to suit your church's needs. 
  • Move school grades up one level - Choose the day and month of each year that you would like students to be moved up grades.
  • Disable Auto-assign Demographic Progression - Choose if you would like to Disable when adding new people or Disable when editing existing people

Archiving People

This section allows you to configure whether you require a reason to be provided when archiving a person. Adding pre-defined reasons will allow the user to select one from the list or optionally input a custom one. Choose if you Do not want to require a reason when archiving. 

To add predefined reasons that can easily be selected when someone is archived, click "+ Add"