Data Migration from Breeze to Elvanto

At Tithely, we strive to make data migration as painless as possible. The instructions below will guide you through exporting People, Giving, and Attendance information from your current Breeze account for import into Elvanto.

How to Export People from Breeze

  1. Login to your Breeze account.
  2. Select "People."
  3. Select "Export."

How to Export Giving from Breeze

  1. Login to your Breeze account.
  2. Select "More" > "Contributions" > "Reports."
  3. Input the date range you'd like to export.
  4. Click "Columns."
  5. Select all the boxes.
  6. Select "Export as Excel."

How to Export Attendance from Breeze

  1. Login to your Breeze account.
  2. Go to the "Events" tab.
  3. Select any event you wish to export attendance for and select "View Details."
  4. Click "Reports."
  5. Select an appropriate date range in the date selector.
  6. In the event type selector, select as many event types as you wish to export attendance for.
  7. Click "Download as Excel."

Once you have completed your export, click here to learn how to import your information into Elvanto!