How to duplicate an Event

Duplicating Events in Elvanto allows administrators to quickly create a copy of an existing event, replicating key details and reducing the time spent on Event planning. The Event Duplication feature enables admins to duplicate an existing event, including all information from the "Edit" and "Registration" tabs.

Elvanto Tip

This includes event times (only the date changes), descriptions, Assets, tickets and prices, and the form linked to the event. Tickets, invoices, and the guest list WILL NOT carry over with the duplication.


How to Duplicate Events

  1. Log into Elvanto as an admin.
  2. Select Events on the Admin Menu.
  3. Choose the Event you would like to Duplicate.
  4. Click on the Duplicate Event button located under the Actions area while viewing the event.
  5. A prompt will appear to change name of Event, type in new name.
  6. Prompt will also ask for new start date of event, select the date the event begins.
  7. Proceed with duplication by clicking Duplicate.
  8. The new event will appear, you are free to make any edits you'd like.
    Note: Under the Registration Tab, be sure to click on the Form if one is linked and ensure the form is still current. Make any changes you need to the form as well if necessary. 
  9. Be sure to hit SAVE with any changes. 

By following the instructions provided in this article, you can streamline your administration duties for similar events that you'd like to have new Ticket/Invoice logs as well as new Guest List. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please reach out to our support team.