Creating a Service Type in Elvanto helps you organize and manage various aspects of your services efficiently. Follow these steps to set up a Service Type, customize it according to your needs, and understand what changes will affect existing services.
Steps to Create a Service Type
Navigate to Service Types:
- Go to Services > Service Types.
Add New Service Type:
- Click the ‘Add New Service Type’ button.
Service Type Details
Enter Details:
- Fill in the name, location, default times, and rehearsal times for the new Service Type.
- Add a logo if necessary.
Specify Service Plans Departments:
- Choose departments to contact, like a Producer or Service Director.
Save the Service Type:
- Click the ‘Save’ button to continue.
Manage Departments:
- Choose the relevant departments, sub-departments, and positions for this Service Type.
- Use the ‘Show/Hide’ button to manage visibility.
Specify Positions:
- Indicate the number of positions needed for each service. Leave as 0 if there are no specific requirements.
Set Default Times:
- Customize default service and other times for different departments/sub-departments/positions by clicking the small icon next to the Show/Hide button.
Reporting Template
Customize Reporting Fields:
- Show or hide specific reporting fields for Service Reports. Find more details in the How to Track Service Reporting article.
Service Plan Template
Create Service Plan Template:
- Set up a template for any services created using this Service Type. This includes heading snap items that will be pre-filled for future services.
- Refer to the how to edit a service plan article for more details.
What Gets Affected by Changes to a Service Type
Affected Aspects:
- Hidden/Shown departments/sub-departments and positions under the Departments tab.
- Hidden/Shown Reporting fields under the Reporting tab.
- Service Logo under the Details tab.
Unaffected Aspects:
- Service Times.
- Service Plan.
- Service Plan Departments.
Things to Consider
- Customizing your Service Type ensures that each service is managed efficiently and meets the specific needs of your church.
- Regularly update and review your Service Types to adapt to any changes or new requirements.